
When the body's control mechanism stops working properly and the cells remain no longer normal, they start growing abnormally and uncontrollably, hence causing Cancer. Old cells do not die and instead grow out of control, forming new, abnormal cells. These extra cells may form a mass of tissue, called a tumor. A tumor can be benign and malignant as well. Benign tumors lack the ability to metastasize whereas malignant are life-threatening and metastasize which leads to cancer.

There are different types of cancers. Despite their characteristics to grow, divide & re-divide (instead of dying) and forming new abnormal cells, some types of cancer cells often travel to other parts of the body through blood circulation or lymph vessels (metastasis), where they begin to grow. Different types of cancer cells can behave differently.

The risk of developing many types of cancers can be reduced by changes in lifestyle by quitting smoking and eating low fat diet, etc., If cancer is identified in early stage it is easy to treat and may have better chances for living many years.

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